Tuesday 16 March 2010

Pasta Pesto and Peas Nightmare

Before I start today's blog I just want to point out that not working is driving me insane... so please, if you have anything that needs designing get in touch. The situation is so bad I am considering designing my own toilet roll... just for fun?! Move over Andrex... Smelly Cat is the new asswipe in town - Hmmm.

On a more serious note, I'm not the type of person who wants to live off the government and other people's hard-earned-quickly-taken-tax's but I will take what is offered now that we are starting out again.

For the first three months of living back in the UK we survived off our wedding gift money... it didnt last long! Once the husband found a job (a good one a that!) we applied for working tax credits, child tax credits and child benefit... I think we're entitled to a little help, no?

That was nearly 16 weeks ago... After many phone calls to the appropriate "processors" we are still none the wiser as to when we will receive our benefits. All they can tell us is that it will take a maximum of 28 weeks... so we're over half way!? Just.

I suppose the up side of it taking so long, or so my husband seems to think, is that they wll back date our first lump sum from the 22nd October... a nice 3k?!

Trouble is we need it now, not in the next three months. Charlie's job will start to bring in good money as of next month, but at this moment in time we are living on pasta pesto and peas. I cant take M and M to swimming or dance classes as promised (bribed) before we moved back. I can't replace my holey tops, get my top sales rookie another suit to add to his collection of 2, or actually begin to cook food that any domestic goddess would be proud of (pp&p's are not a cuisine... they're a ruster meal!).

So for dinner tonight... well, no pasta as we ate it all last night! What can I rustle up out of a tin of tuna, peanut butter, bread, milk, celery, and onions? Whatever it is I'm sure its gross and unedible! :)x

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